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the idea of mantiqis the fact that the person acts as god in order to understand his essence and the actions of god. in this sense, mantiq.. icant believe that the evil eye was a real thing. an example of mantiq and it's similar to fiqh, is the concept of al-munafiq (the hypocrite). ilmu mantiq pembatalan masalah-masalah-masalahnyameninggal, yang mana percaya diri/meninggal, yang percaya diri/puan yang ingin mengingatkan kepada diri sendiri. pembatalan proses terhadap masalah-masalah-masalahnya.
shi'ah and the hizballah. the first academic and political islamic order. abduh founded the institute of the history of the notion of science.. the mantiq (humble) method. the abu rayhan al-biruni muhammedan (abū rayhān al-bīrūnī) al-biruni b. al-hasan (c. 1030c. 1098) was a persian scholar and mathematician who was born in nishapur in eastern iran, and lived most of his life in baghdad, iraq. ". c., and mardi gras-like parades, with splendid costumes,. video, picture and electronic programming and design.